I'm a firm believer that everything happens for a reason, and I believe that good can come from anything.
My baby sister, who has been trying to get pregnant six months longer than I have, has recently become pregnant. She's gone through just about every step I have, before I have, and had made the decision that motherhood was likely not going to happen naturally so they had moved on to the adoption option. She and her husband made the decision almost two years ago to adopt siblings from Ethiopia and their paperwork was accepted in Ethiopia last April, so they were about a year and a half away from bringing those children home when they found out they'd be bringing their own child home first. Amazing! A real miracle!
Due to her sporadic cycle it's always been hard to tell if she's late, so when they first did the pregnancy test she could have been anywhere from 5-11 weeks along. Due to that, and their test was VERY positive, so the doctor therefore scheduled an ultrasound right away. During the pregnancy appointments she found out she was not even 6 weeks along, has a tipped uterus, and so during the ultrasound they saw the baby sitting very low, which was apparently cause for concern. That's when I did what I usually do....Google to find out more. Turns out that happens frequently in ultrasounds of early pregnancies in tipped uterus', it's so rare an ultrasound is done that early (they are usually not done before 12 weeks), especially in women who have a uterus facing the opposite way, so doctor's aren't used to seeing it and realize it's common for babies to sit that low in that situation. It took two weeks to confirm the baby is in fact ok, we all prayed for another miracle those fourteen days, and sure enough, we were not disappointed.
During my research of a tipped uterus though, I found out so much more. Like they are usually either from scar tissue (like from endimetriosis) or hereditary. Since my sister shared about her TU diagnosis, both my other sister and my mom revealed they too have received that diagnosis. So I read more about signs of a tipped uterus, and sure enough, comments I've heard from several of my doctors, combined with what I read, make me 99% sure I have one too. I also read that currently there is no medical/scientific link between having a tipped uterus and trouble conceiving, however I found testimony after testimony of women with TU that have trouble conceiving, whether it was only six months longer than 'normal', or two years, or more, many TU women have experienced a so far inexplicable difficulty conceiving. My mom (5 years) and my sister (4 years) included.
I have yet to figure out what that means for me, but at least it offers me a small measure of understanding "why me?". I would never wish anyone have to spend fourteen days wondering the fate of your baby that you've waited for, for four long and arduous years, and even though my sister never lost faith in her miracle, it still pains me she had to go through that. But. I may never have bothered researching anything about a tipped uterus had it not happened. Who knows, this may lead to my own miracle baby.