the diary of my pursuit of motherhood-ness

Sunday, May 15, 2011


Even though I really am at peace with the decision to have stopped pursuing treatment, to choose child-free living (while not giving up hope for some supernatural interference in this decision), it isn't quite the care-free living it can appear to be.
When I, and I'm sure others, think of a couple who have chosen a child-free life, I think of the jet setters I know, who have the 'freed up' funds to travel to exotic and/or intriguing places around the globe.  I think of the women who dive into their career and climb to great success and fulfillment.  I think of the couples who poor their time and efforts into their homes, producing an immaculate, magazine-worthy property.
I have none of those.  While I really enjoy my job, career is never something I've been too wrapped up in and would much rather just work to live rather than live to work.  And we don't have the money to either zip around the globe nor create the home of our dreams.
I can't say that having those would make this any easier, but it sure would provide some distraction.