My cycle has been at 30 days for the last 2 months and now it went back to 29. I'm not sure what my normal cycle is because I haven't really had one since I was in highschool, so it's very hard to tell if the hormones are gone.
I've been looking for any signs of changes in my body, like a change in my period, length, flow. Normally my chest is very sore, this month it isn't. I don't even really know what to look for. Every pregnancy is different, some get really sore breasts, some stop having sore breasts. My sister had a period her first month of pregnancy, some go longer, like her sister-in-law who usually has a period the first 3 months. I wonder if I should pay attention, as it's hard not to read too much into 'signs'. How can one know for sure? Yet, I can't stop paying attention, it gives me something to do I guess, I feel I need to be actively involved in this.
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