I know I'm being ridiculous. Which is why I won't say this aloud to anyone. But I'm internally in turmoil. Over something SO petty.
First, a little background info. When we first started trying, a friend of ours ,who also happens to be a doctor, recommended I stay away from cat litter (not the actual litter, but it's other contents) due to Toxoplasmosis even if we're just at the 'potentially pregnant' stage known as trying. He knew we had a cat and suggested my husband be the one to change the litter. Easy enough to avoid. It's been almost 5 years I've been free of this task (not that I really minded it since I'd owned cats for almost 9 years before that) but I've taken for granted this job exists by nature of having a cat.
Now, to the current situation. I have a friend who is fairly new to our city, she doesn't have a lot of local friends and she's on a work trip for 3 weeks and needs someone to feed her cat and change it's litter during that time. She does have 2 room-mates, however one is also gone those 3 weeks, and here's the kicker, her other room-mate just found out she is pregnant (with a guy she left her husband for less than a year ago - not that that should matter) and she can't touch the cat litter. My friend's few other friends are not really cat people, one is even allergic, so originally I thought nothing of helping her out. Then I realized taking care of the kitty means a litter change. I'm not supposed to touch litter. Then I realized I'm not going to get pregnant. I can touch litter.
Why do I have to change the litter and Ms.Room-mate can't!!!! **tears flowing** It's not fair!!!
How ridiculous am I? I thought I was SO past this "jealous of other pregnancies" thing.
Lori. *sigh* I totally and absolutely understand how it feels when your head and your heart don't always seem to see eye to eye. Your head may tell you that you should not be upset about changing cat litter but your heart screams in anguish at the unfairness of it all. It feels like crap...and it is...figuratively and literally. I. am. so. sorry. Know that you are never far from my thoughts and prayers.