the diary of my pursuit of motherhood-ness

Sunday, January 16, 2011

What To Expect

So, 10 months ago I gave up on keeping track of my cycle all together, didn't even want to know when to expect the next one so that I couldn't know if I was late or not.  It really worked in getting over my break-up with TTC, but now it's a little annoying NOT knowing when to expect it.

I didn't want to start tracking it again, or even writing it down every month, but thanks to my iPhone I have an app for that :)

It's called What To Expect.

All I do is enter in the day it starts, how long it lasts and it calculates the rest for me.  If I want to know, for whatever reason, I can glance at the future calendars, but if I don't look at it I have no clue. Blissful ignorance.
Once the next one comes, if the calendar was wrong I can update it so that next months prediction is more accurate, if I want.  Just enough info but not too much.  And the price was right, free!


  1. Yet another reason I thin the i phone would be cool! I have to make do with my brick for a little longer. I still use Fertility Friend to chart, but I believe there is an app for that too. I WISH that we could be unaware, like I was the first time when we got pregnant by mistake, but now we are on a drug regime of Progesterone and aspirin and a couple of other things that are times with my cycle, so we have no choice, unless we are taking a month off. I miss the not worrying, not keeping track, letting it happen. I have a fantasy that we just stop everything we are doing, and let it happen without help, but I think I would have to hear directly from the Big Guy before we do that.
    I am glad you have found something so helpful x

  2. I am blissfully unaware all the time, lol! I wonder if I kept track on an app if it actually could predict my cycle. Right after Kaden, I was pretty regular (as in every month) for the first time in my life but now I am back to every other month or so again. Odd.
