the diary of my pursuit of motherhood-ness

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Be Still My Heart

Already a perfect evening.

And then, I hear a shout.

"Lori! It's your rainbow!!"

My eyes fly to the skies.

In all it's glory.

The widest rainbow I've ever seen, I could see where both ends touched the ground.

The brightest rainbow I've ever seen, every colour visible and brilliant.

And then.

Another proclamation.

"There are two! It's a double rainbow!"

Really? Could it be?

The first rainbow I've seen since I asked God for one.
And it echoed the promise He gave my friend....a double blessing.

Be still my heart.

The hope is taking flight again.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Test Results

So I had tests run in February to see if a reason for miscarriages could be determined and I finally had my appointment with the referred OBGYN today.

Everything is fine.

Well, from those tests, that's what she's able to determine. There is only one test left that can say otherwise. So, next month we schedule that test for blockages, and if necessary, get rid of blockages. If no blockages there is one last option within the realm of what Sean and I are willing to do in regards to treatment. It's a drug that you take in pill form that increases ovulation every month so that you release 2 eggs...hopefully doubling your chances. She says the most you can have is twins, or very unlikely, triplets.



I always wanted twins.

Double blessing?