the diary of my pursuit of motherhood-ness

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

ABC Meme


Sometimes I find myself looking for an excuse to just vent about all I, and my body, have been through the last few's a meme I created to do just that, in a not so depressing way :)
Artificial: artificially regulated ovulation, for a short while
Basal Body Temperature: could never keep track of it
Cycle Day: stopped keeping track of it
Diagnosis: technically unexplained infertility, was told to lose weight due to elevated estrogen, had to SELF diagnose tipped uterus from family history and Dr.'s comments
Emotion Today: less-lonely
Fertility Treatment (s): drugs, weight loss
Genetics: mom and both sisters have tipped uterus, mom and 1 sister took 4-5 yrs to get pregnant, 2 aunts with fertility issues
Hormones: elevated estrogen that I successfully, and naturally, lowered by losing weight
Insemination: au natural
Jealous of: women with husbands who want a baby just as much as they do
Kids: 2 neices and 2 nephews
Length TTC (Trying To Conceive): 4 years 5 months
Miscarriages: possibly 2, unconfirmed
Not Trying: surgery, surrogates, adoption, drugs (anymore)
Ovulation: now 28-30 days, was 30-42 before weight loss
Plan B: child-free life, supernatural motherhood (any situation God, and God alone, might bring me to 'mother' in)
Quitting: obviously, alcohol....every other 2 weeks anyway, obesity....just another 15 lbs and I'm in the acceptable weight range for my height
Rx(s): was on Chlomid, Metformin
Semen Analysis: count, motility, etc. all good
Tests: hormone tests, demonstration of ovulation, skipped HSG after 4 unsuccessful attempts to schedule, and of course many pregnancy and ovulation tests :)
Unsuccessful Treatment (s): all of them, although I quit drugs after a few weeks because wouldn't be able to tell if body had corrected estrogen due to weight loss or because of drugs
Vice for Coping: faith most times, but on days when I don't have enough of that, food (especially ice cream) and Arbor Mist
Willing to Try: possibly fostering, it's the only situation we've discussed and didn't feel the need to rule out
Xpecting: one day to find joy in being child-free
Years Old: 33 next month
Zero: times it's worked when someone says "usually if you do _____ that's when you get pregnant".

If you feel so inclined to partake in my meme, feel free to post my graphic and leave a comment linking to your own ABC meme. Thanks for reading!

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